Women's Mental Health & Wellbeing

Accessibility and Self Help

Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service

⇒ Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service

What do we offer?

We provide psychological therapies for common Mental Health problems, such as anxiety and depression, which one in four of us will experience in our lives. We offer a range of psychological therapies including workshops, group classes, one-to-one sessions and a range of online support options. Our treatments are available for those ages 17 and over who are registered with a Leeds GP.

You can email us on leeds.mws@nhs.net

You can contact us on 0113 843 4388 

We are not a crisis service. If you need immediate help please go to: www.mindwell-leeds@org.uk

Out of hours services

Leeds Surviour Led Crisis Service: https://www.lslcs.org.uk/ 

Dial House: https://www.lslcs.org.uk/services/dial-house/

Visitors can acces Dial House when they are in crisis, relax in a homely environment and have an hour of on-to-one support from the team of Crisis Support Workers.

Open 6pm-2am Monday-Sunday

Contact: Call 0113 260 9328 or Text 07922 249 452 (if they dont pick up please leave a voicemail with your name and phone number)

SHOUT: https://giveusashout.org If you are struggling to cope and need to talk, trained SHOUT volunteers are here for you, day or night.

Your Health and Local Services:

Cross Gates & District GNO

Working with older people to reduce loneliness and isolation, support independence, promote healthy lifestyles and try new things.

An intergrated, free city-wide Social Prescribing service for people in Leeds. Prescribing for people ages 16 years and above.

Mental Health - Perinatal Support

West Yorkshire and Harrogate perinatal mental health campaign

West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership will be launching a new campaign on Monday 12 July to raise awareness of specialist perinatal mental health services across the region, with a particular focus on BAME communities and areas of deprivation. The campaign has been requested by the partnership’s perinatal mental steering group and will run for three months, aiming to normalise the conversation around perinatal mental health in the face of stigma and fears about consequences.

As part of this, women will be encouraged to contact their GP, midwife or health visitor with their perinatal mental health concerns, as well as being directed to crisis line numbers for those who are in need of a more urgent response.