Our Triage Appointment Booking System
We operate a Total Triage Appointment System. If you are wanting to book an appointment or have a medical enquiry, you will need to submit an online request form. Further information about this system can be found below:
To submit an online form to request an appointment. Click on the link below that says Appointment Triage Request Form Click Here highlighted in RED
How can patients request an appointment if they find if difficult to use a computer or dont have a smartphone?
Patients or relatives can telephone our surgery on 01132951802 / 03 or attend in person and our care navigators can fill out the form on your behalf. Our care navigators will not be able to book an appointment with a GP directly. Nursing or other appointments can still be booked in the same way.
Please contact NHS 111 if you have a medical problem when the practice is closed or visit your local pharmacy who can deal with minor illness conditions.
When will I get a response?
Our Triage GP and Care Navigators start to review all the online request forms from 8am.
If the GP triages your request as needing a same day review, you will be offered an appointment or signposted to a suitable service. We aim to respond to all routine requests the same day but please allow up to 48hrs. Please only contact the surgery if you have not had an outcome for your request within 48 hours.
It is important to provide as much information about your medical problem as you can on the form. This is to ensure the GP can triage your request appropriately. If the GP requires further information, you may be sent a questionnaire to gather additional information specific to the medical problem or request that you send us a photo of the problem area.
How will you let us know?
If your medical problem is urgent and requires a same day appointment, our care navigators or the triage GP will contact you as soon as your request has been reviewed. When you complete the form, please let us know your preferred contact number so we can contact you.
If your medical problem is for a routine problem, we will send you a message with an appointment link. If you are unable to receive messages, please note this on the form and we will contact you on your preferred number. If you experience any problems with the link, please contact the surgery to speak to our care navigators.
Please have your mobile phone with you should the surgery need to contact you with regards to your request.
How will you let me know when I have an appointment if I dont have a phone?
If you do not have a phone, please inform our Care Navigators and they will mark this on your request. We can contact you by email or arrange to call a relative or carer if you prefer. If your request is for a routine medical problem then we can send an appointment out in the post or arrange for you to come back at an agreed time.
Can I decide where I want to be seen and request a specific GP?
Please inform us on the form if you can only attend a particular site or your preference. You can tell us if you have been seeing a particular GP and wish to see them again and if they are available then we will aim to book you to see them for continuity of care.
If you are sent a link for a routine problem, you can choose from a list of GPs and choose an appointment with them if available.
Why have we changed to a Total Triage Appointment System?
Why are we changing our system to ‘Total Triage’ ?
The goverment requires GP Surgeries to modernise general practice to allow patients to request appointments online, freeing up the phones for those who need them most and making it easier for practices to triage patients based on medical need. The reforms are part of the government’s plan for change to make general practice fit for the future and improving access to GPs for everyone.
In 2024, we moved to a total triage appointment system that requires patients to submit an online request form for appointment requests which will be triaged by the GP Team. This can be done by the patient, relative, carer or one of our Care Navigators.
What is Total Triage?
All requests for GP appointments will be assessed by our GP Team to consider if the medical problem is urgent or routine based on the information you provide. The triage GP will also consider if it is suitable to signpost you to an alternative service. If your request can be managed within the practice but without a GP appointment, you may be offered an appointment with a suitable health professional. Some requests may be dealt with by our admin team or information sent back to you.
For example, you may be signposted to a community optician, a prescribing pharmacist, physio or dentist rather than be offered an appointment with a GP. We have a wide range of services and different health professionals who may be more suitable to meet your needs rather than a GP.
Why Total Triage?
Triaging appointment requests in this way directs patients to the right service / practitioner often meaning that they are seen more quickly than waiting for a GP appointment. We also recognise the frustrations patients face trying to contact us on the phone or queuing before we open at 8am. The previous ‘first come, first serve basis’ system did not allow for equitable access for all our patients.
We hope that this will improve patient care by ensuring that GP appointments are prioritised for the most complexed medical issues, continuity of care and seeing our most vulnerable patients.
Have you engaged with patients about the new system?
In early 2024, we piloted the new system for urgent requests once our same day appointments have been booked. Over 600 patients used the new system either completing the request themselves or our care navigation team have completed it on their behalf. The feedback from patients was very positive and they reported that it was simple to use. Our GP team have also found it extremely useful to have information provided by patients to triage if their request is urgent or routine.
Prior to changing our system, we held two patient engagement sessions from our patient participation group to gather patients views on our appointment system and a new triage system. Patients thought the new system would avoid the 8am rush and ‘first come first serve’ system.
Since we changed to a 'Total Triage' system, we have continued to gather patients feedback to see how its going and address any issues that patients have experienced. Their responses can be found on NHS Reviews or Google Reviews