Do you care for a family member or friend who has an illness, drug/alcohol problem or disability?
Who is considered a carer and what do they do?
A Carer is someone of any age who provides unpaid support to family or friends who could not manage without their help, due to illness, disability, mental health issues or a substance misuse problem.
Many people do not recognise themselves as a 'Carer' and this can lead to them missing out on vital support available to them, so please make us aware if you are.

Am I a Carer?
You’re probably a carer if the following apply:
- you do things like helping someone to wash, dress and eat; taking them to regular appointments, doing their shopping or keeping them company
- you aren’t paid to look after the person you’re caring for
- you spend a lot of time caring for the person - there’s no legal definition of this, but it could mean anything from a few hours a day, to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- you may or may not live with the person you’re caring for
Carers Support at the Practice
Your Carers Champion: Amy Kot
A Carers Champion is a member of staff who supports cares and acts as a key contact for carer information. Their aim is to improve Carers quality of life by promoting Carers own health and well-being as well as, recognising and valuing the contribution that Carers make. They will be looking at new ways to improve the services that the Practice offers, to meet the Health needs of our Carers.
"If you have any questions regarding our carers policy or how to register as a carer at the Practice, I'm always here to help and am able to point you in the right direction"
You can contact our Carers Champion by contacting reception who will be able to provide you with a direct email address.
Registering as a Carer with your GP
Can I register as a Carer with my GP?
If provide unpaid support to a family member or friend who would not be able manage without your help, due to illness, disability, mental health issues or a substance misuse problem you are able to register as a Carer with your GP Practice.
How do I register as a Carer with my GP?
(Contact Carers Leeds using the Carers Leeds Vaccination Support Line. The Carers Leeds Hotline will take a your details and will also aim to capture carers who are not yet known to services or who unsure if they are eligible for the COVID-19 Vaccine. This information will be compiled and sent either to a central team or directly to your practice to bulk code accordingly.)
Contact details for the Carers Leeds Vaccination Support Line are:
Telephone Helpline: 0113 246 8338
Contact us and inform us of your Caring role! You will be asked to complete a Yellow Card Referral and return it to the practice. This card will ask for information regarding your Caring role.
Once we have received the completed Yellow Card Referral, our Carers Champion will assess and register you as a Carer.
Have a question?
Contact our Carers Champion by email at:

Who Can Help Me?
The best place to start is Carers Leeds who provide a free advice, information and support service on behalf of Leeds City Council.
If you want to talk things over, their Carers Support Worker can offer support by listening to you. If you want to know about the services available to you, or what you may be entitled to receive, they can guide you in the right direction. If you don't know where to turn, they can offer advice to help you make the right choices for you.
All you need to do is ask at reception for a Yellow Card and we can arrange for Carers Leeds to contact you via your own preference or, you may wish to use our exciting NEW service and arrange an appointment at Colton Mill Medical Centre with our Carers Support Worker April Lee!
For Carers Support Groups and events near you click on the link below to view the Carers Leeds time table: