Minor Surgery

Minor Surgery Clinics

These appointments require an initial consultation with a GP, you will then be referred into our Minor Surgery Service if required. 


Community Minor Surgery Provider (E-Referral)

If you have been referred by your GP to our Community Minor Surgery Service, your GP practice should have provided you with a UBRN Number and Password. You will be asked for this information when you contact us, so please have the details available. 

Upon contact you will be added to a waiting list, once an appointment becomes available you will be sent an appointment in the post. Please be aware that our expected waiting time is currently longer than usual, as a result of the ongoing pandemic

For any enquires regarding appointments e.g. you wish to cancel or re-arrange, you are able to contact our Minor Sugrery coordinator by email at: wyicb-leeds.minorsurgery.coltonhill@nhs.net