Appointment System Updates and Services Available
The Appointment System

Requesting a GP Appointment - New Triage System
We will be operating a total triage system, where every request for a GP appointment will be triaged by our GP team.
To request a doctors appointment we are asking all our patients to use an online form where possible.
If you find it difficult to use a computer or a smartphone, you can telephone our surgery on 01132951802 / 03 or attend in person and our care navigators will fill out the form on your behalf. Our care navigators will not be able to book an appointment with a GP directly. Nursing or other appointments can still be booked in the same way.
Why are we changing our system to ‘Total Triage’ ?
At Colton and The Grange Medical Centre we trialled the new system early 2024 for all our urgent requests and launched a New “Total Triage” for all GP appointment requests in July 2024
What is Total Triage?
All requests for GP appointments will be assessed by our GP Team to consider if the matter is urgent or routine based on the information you provide. The triage GP will also consider if it is suitable to signpost you to an alternative service. If your request can be managed within the practice but without a GP appointment, you may be offered an appointment with a suitable health professional. Some requests may be dealt with by our admin team or information sent back to you.
For example, you may be signposted to a community optician, a prescribing pharmacist, physio or dentist rather than be offered an appointment with a GP. We have a wide range of services and different health professionals who may be more suitable to meet your needs rather than a GP.
Why Total Triage?
Triaging appointment requests in this way directs patients to the right service / practitioner often meaning that they are seen more quickly than waiting for a GP appointment. We also recognise the frustrations patients face trying to contact us on the phone or queuing before we open at 8am. The current ‘first come, first serve basis’ system does not allow for equitable access for all our patients.
We hope that this will improve patient care by ensuring that GP appointments are prioritised for the most complexed medical issues, continuity of care and seeing our most vulnerable patients.
How can I submit a request for a GP appointment to be triaged?
Patients can visit our website to complete an online request form. If you are unable to use online services, our care navigation team can assist you with your request by phone or in person.
You can submit a request from 7.30am Monday to Friday online and from 8am in person or the telephone.
How will you let me know you have reviewed my request and offer me an appointment?
Our GP team will assess if patients need a same day telephone or face to face appointment or can be offered a routine appointment. If your request is suitable for an online consultation, this can also be arranged.
Our care navigation team will send you a link to book a same day or routine appointment once your request has been triaged. They may contact you by phone or email depending on your preferred communication method.
Have you engaged with patients about the new system?
Yes, we trialled the new system for 3 months from April 2024. The triage system was used for all urgent requests once our same day appointments had been booked. Over 600 patients trialled the new system either completing the request themselves or one of our care navigation team completed it on their behalf. The feedback from patients has been very positive and they reported that it was simple to use. Our GP team have also found it extremely useful to have information provided by patients to triage if their request is urgent or routine.
We have also held two patient engagement sessions in 2024 from our patient participation group to gather patients views on our appointment system and a new triage system. Patients thought the new system would avoid the 8am rush and ‘first come first serve’ system.
Our telephone system

Telephone System
We are currently in the process of updating our telephone system to improve the way patients contact us. Since launching our online Appointment Triage Service in July 24, our phone calls have reduced by 28% but our call queue time is still longer than we would like.
In 2025, our new phone system will allow patients to request a call back whilst keeping you in the queue. We have also recruited more receptionists to handle your calls.

Community Pharmacy Referrals
Our GP team and care naviagators may signpost you to the community pharmacy.
Other Services Available

If you need medical help now, and you're not sure what to do:
- Go to or call 111